CBD: Hacked

CyberDefenders: Hacked


You have been called to analyze a compromised Linux web server. Figure out how the threat actor gained access, what modifications were applied to the system, and what persistent techniques were utilized. (e.g. backdoors, users, sessions, etc).


Download the challenge file by clicking the download challenge button. Unzip the file as follows:

1unzip c53-Hacked.zip


What is the .E01 file format?:

Developed by ASR Data, the Expert Witness file format (aka E01 format aka EnCase file format) is an industry standard format for storing “forensic” images. The format allows a user to access arbitrary offsets in the uncompressed data without requiring decompression of the entire data stream. The specification does NOT provide for quantifyable assurance of integrity, it is up to the implementation to provide meaningful authentication for any data contained in an “evidence file”. - .EO1 format

I work as root in my linux vm's. If you don't then add sudo before the commands.

To mount the .E01 image I followed the guide provided above in the tools section:

Install the required tools:

1apt install ewf-tools sleuthkit kpartx

Create a mountpoint and mount the .E01 image:

1mkdir image
1ewfmount Webserver.E01 image


1ls -la image

mmls - Display the partition layout of a volume system (partition tables)

1mmls image/ewf1


Create a mountpoint for the partition:

1mkdir hacked.dsk
2ls -la

kpartx - Create device maps from partition tables

lvscan - List all logical volumes in all volume groups

1kpartx -a -v image/ewf1

Mount the partition to the mountpoint in read-only mode:

1mount -o ro,noload /dev/VulnOSv2-vg/root hacked.dsk
2ls -la hacked.dsk

We can check the mount as follows:

1mount | grep hacked.dsk

check mount

All set, now we can get to work:


1. What is the system timezone?

1cd hacked.dsk
2cat etc/timezone


2. Who was the last user to log in to the system?

1tail -20 var/log/auth.log

3. What was the source port the user 'mail' connected from?

1tail -20 var/log/auth.log | grep sshd | grep -i accepted

4. How long was the last session for user 'mail'? (Minutes only)



5. Which server service did the last user use to log in to the system?


6. What type of authentication attack was performed against the target machine?


We can see loads of authentication failures in var/log/auth.log for username root indicating the attacker is trying a bruteforce attack


7. How many IP addresses are listed in the '/var/log/lastlog' file?

1cat var/log/lastlog


1strings var/log/lastlog



8. How many users have a login shell?

1cat etc/passwd

At first glance it looks like only /bin/bash is used

1cat etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash

If you don't want to count yourself:

1cat etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash | wc -l

9. What is the password of the mail user?

For this we need to extract the mail users' information out of etc/passwd and etc/shadow. Then use the unshadow tool and john the ripper to crack the hashfile:

1cat hacked.dsk/etc/passwd > passwd
2cat hacked.dsk/etc/shadow > shadow
3unshadow passwd shadow > unshadowed
4cat unshadowed | grep mail > mail.hash

The path of the wordlist will most likely be different, so change it accordingly:

1john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt mail.hash

crack password


10. Which user account was created by the attacker?

1cd hacked.dsk
2cat var/log/auth.log | grep useradd



11. How many user groups exist on the machine?

1cat etc/group | wc -l

12. How many users have sudo access?

First let's check etc/sudoers to see who and which groups can elevate privileges:

1cat etc/sudoers

Members of the admin and sudo group can elevate privileges. There are no specific usernames mentioned in the sudoers file. So let's check which users are in the admin and sudo groups:

1grep --color "^admin:\|^sudo:" etc/group

Only the sudo group exists on this system and it has 2 users in it: php, mail



13. What is the home directory of the PHP user?

1grep php etc/passwd

home dir


1grep useradd var/log/auth.log | grep php

home dir The -d option in useradd command specifies the home directory


14. What command did the attacker use to gain root privilege? (Answer contains two spaces).

1grep -B 10 "Successful" var/log/auth.log


1sudo /bin/su -

15. Which file did the user 'root' delete?

1grep rm root/.bash_history


This however doesn't tell us where it was deleted from so we want to check some lines before this command too in .bash_history:

1grep -B 5 "rm" root/.bash_history


The file was deleted from the /tmp/ directory.

16. Recover the deleted file, open it and extract the exploit author name.

R-Studio for Linux Demo Mode allows you to evaluate R-Studio for Linux for free. R-Studio Demo Mode is limited to files smaller than 256 KB in Demo Mode. You can, however, preview supported files that are larger than 256 KB by double-clicking it. This allows you to predict your chances for successful recovery before purchasing an R-Studio for Linux license. - R-Studio

Download the appropriate version for your system and install it:

1wget https://www.r-studio.com/downloads/RStudio4_x64.deb
2dpkg -i RStudio4_x64.deb

Click on Demo


Locate the hacked.dsk Volume and click Show Files


Browse to the /tmp directory and select the file you want to restore. Then click Recover


We can't recover to hacked.dsk because it is mounted as read-only. So select one directory up and click Ok. Close rstudio.


Check the recovered file to retrieve the Author:

1ls -la
2cat 37292.c | less



17. What is the content management system (CMS) installed on the machine?

First let's see what we should be looking for on google:

CMS System

Configuration files are in the /etc/ directory on Linux so that is a good place to start looking:



18. What is the version of the CMS installed on the machine?

Now we have an easy search in the log files:

1grep -i drupal var/log/apt/history.log

drupal version


19. Which port was listening to receive the attacker's reverse shell?

From the recovered file we know the owner is www-data. This is the user used by webservers (apache / nginx, ...) We also know Drupal 7 is running on the system. A quick search leads us to:

drupal 7 - drupal.org

Let's check if we have log files for webservers on our system:


1cat var/log/apache2/access.log

Some entries don't seem normal in this log file:

apache2 log

It looks like POST requests were made encoded in base64

apache2 log

After base64_decode we see: %28. This is a urlencoded ( If we search for the closing ) in urlencoded format: %29 we can locate the end of the base64 encoded string and then decode it:

1grep -i "base64" var/log/apache2/access.log | grep "%29"


Decoding the base64 string:

base64 -d

1echo "base64string" | base64 -d

The listening port used for the reverse shell is:



The threat actors gained access through a vulnerability in drupal 7 allowing remote code execution.

Searchsploit has the following Metasploit Modules for drupal:

1searchsploit drupal | grep -i metasploit


The first one needs to be (authenticated), so let's take a look at php/remote/44482.rb

1cat /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/php/remote/44482.rb |less


That looks very familiar from the apache2 access logs

access logs

From here the attackers have a foothold as user www-data and escalated their privileges to root with the 37292.c exploit, which they deleted as seen in the .bash_history.

They added a new user php that has sudo access. They changed the password and shell of user mail and added him to the sudo group.

They created a php webshell in



and made sure it works correctly:


Really enjoyed this challenge. Solving the questions went pretty fast, but writing it all out and really figuring out what happened took some more time.

If I got something wrong, missed something or you know an easier way of doing things, don't hesitate to contact me.